Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Join me for a TWO WEEK MINI CLEANSE program <<DEC 2nd-16th>> that will help you get through the holidays with increased energy, better digestion, clearer thinking and better sleep. Considered a "cleanse" because we minimize toxins and potential allergenic and addictive foods for 14 days, which allows the body to be "cleansed" of processed irritants. (Not a pill popping program with guaranteed magical results or a cayenne pepper/lemon drink-type-cleanse!) During the program, we enjoy nutrient dense foods, in the proper proportions at the right times! Its an amazing process, all about YOU and figuring out how to help YOUR body run at its optimal level. Its a simple program that is SUSTAINABLE and there is a ton of support. EVERYONE that does this program with me sees results. But I don't expect you to just take my word for it, I'll let others share.

“I am absolutely amazed at how well this program works! After just 8 days on the program, I am 8 lbs. lighter and I feel AMAZING. I seriously have not felt this good in years!!! I feel like I have been given a gift and want to share it with everybody."

"I have always been an athlete that works out and never could lose that extra 5 pounds. No matter how hard I worked out it seemed like nothing would change! I can proudly say that I lost 10 pounds and feel more confident than ever."

"My mom has begun her healthy living journey and is amazed how great she feels. She started a little over a week ago and has already increased energy, decreased bloating, and has dropped 4lbs. She exclaimed, "I can't believe how great I feel, how easy this is, and I am not hungry."

If you are interested please contact me for details. I am overjoyed to share this program and serve others and would be happy to share more information with you.

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